Saturday, March 27, 2010

Being A Woman- How Easy is That, Womanhood- What That Means And What Woman Should Know

Being a complete woman is not at all easy these days. Like Devi Durga, a modern woman has do perform several roles in her life. She has to be a daughter, she has to a mother, she has to be a wife, she has to look after her profession also. These days, woman are more and more coming in the front line, leading an institution, a state, or even a country also. But does every woman knows what a woman should know to be a woman!

* A WOMAN SHOULD KNOW......habit of staying alone is important. It reduces the dependency factor and brings freedom in her life.

* A WOMAN SHOULD looses her originality by following other blindly. Your beauty is in your hand. Be careful about what you are wearing and how much you can carry that.

* A WOMAN SHOULD KNOW......childhood is extremely short. One should come out of that memory once it is over. Other it can be painful.

* A WOMAN SHOULD KNOW......youth is for enjoyment but that period dosen't last forever. Its practical to admit s one grows older.

* A WOMAN SHOULD must have the courage to overcome whatever(quarrelling/outburst of temper) happens in life. If one continue to drag those, it can spoil any relationships.

* A WOMAN SHOULD KNOW......your life is in your and only your hand. You should be the only controller of your life.

* A WOMAN SHOULD is for living. Enjoy every moment of it.

* A WOMAN SHOULD KNOW......she is lucky to be a woman.Therefore she must march in paths of her life keeping her womanhood intact.

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