Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Number of Earthquakes Are on The Rise- Time to Think

The number of earthquakes are alarmingly rising. In 2010, there are already 3 big earthquakes. In January there was a earthquake in Haiti with devastating casualties.In February, same thing happened in Chile. Thousands of people died and injured and houses, roads and other properties destroyed. In march, another earthquake shook Taiwan. An earthquake is one of the biggest natural calamities. Well built cities with all its infrastructures can be demolished within seconds. And one of the main concern is that even after getting advance warnings, we cannot prevent it.
But we can at least give some of our thoughts about the reasons which are causing the increase in the number of earthquakes.

* Deforestations- Unplanned cutting of trees are taking its toll. The balance in the nature is seriously disturbed. In hilly areas, its the trees that hold the earth firmly and prevent land slide/ earthquake.

* Taking out of excessive water from under the ground destroying the balance of different layers which are situated below the earth. Large cities are the main culprits. The more water is taken out, the area will be more to earthquakes.

* Building unplanned high rises irrespective of nature of earth.

* Scientists and researchers are looking for the relationship, if any, between global warming and increased no. of earthquakes.
Its time to be really concerned. Because the destruction and casualty are too massive to ignore!

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